Professor of Marketing,
Expertise: Financial Planning for People with Disabilities, Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising and Promotions, Personal Selling, Consumer Behavior
Dr. Hershey is a Professor of Marketing at Eastern Michigan University. He also serves as the Director of the EMU Sales Center and as Co-Director of the Disability Planning & Policy Center (with Annemarie Kelly in the CHHS). As an academician, Dr. Hershey has published widely in scholarly journals in such fields as financial planning, marketing theory, management theory, leadership, marketing education, information-processing and communications theory, narrative and literary criticism, intercultural communication, and classical rhetoric.
Since 2015, Dr. Hershey's research interests have concentrated on the financial planning needs of individuals and families with disability issues. This research in turn supports how retail financial service professionals plan for and market their services to clients with disabilities. His research has appeared in several journals including Journal of Financial Service Professionals, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Journal of Information Privacy and Security, Qualitative Marketing Research, Review of Business Research, Journal of Business and Leadership, Health Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Commerce and Management, Services Marketing Quarterly, Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly, Southern Speech Communication Journal, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, and the Marketing Education Review.
He has authored over fifty lecture supplement projects in support of major business textbooks in a wide variety of business fields, seen by over 3 million MBA candidates and undergraduate students. Dr. Hershey's computer-based lecturing systems have been used to support textbooks in marketing principles, marketing management, principles of management, organizational behavior, human resource management, strategic management, public relations, advertising, consumer behavior, business law, introduction to business, business communications, sociology, anthropology, production and operations management, economics, computer information systems, and engineering materials.