Professor of Criminology and Sociology; Senior Editor, Sociological Inquiry
Expertise: Criminology, Corrections, Deviance, Urban, Race
Dr. Wood has gathered data from offenders in several states to better understand criminal decision-making processes, and is currently working on projects investigating race differences in criminal victimization, the prisonization of criminal offenders, the association between mental illness and return to incarceration, the use of military enlistment in lieu of imprisonment, and the role of emotions in the reinforcement of habitual criminal conduct. Dr. Wood is Senior Editor of Sociological Inquiry, a highly rated peer-reviewed journal, and serves on the Editorial Board of Justice Quarterly, the premier criminal justice journal in the U.S. He is a founding member of the Crime & Justice Research Alliance, a Washington, DC-based collaborative partnership between the nation’s two leading criminal justice scholar associations, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) and the American Society of Criminology (ASC), which represent more than 5,000 criminal justice scholars and research experts. CJRA provides direct access to the most rigorous research and the most authoritative experts to inform public debate on criminal justice issues.
Dr. Wood’s work has appeared in many refereed outlets, including; Justice Quarterly, Criminology, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Punishment and Society, Sociological Inquiry, Deviant Behavior, The Prison Journal, Journal of Criminal Justice, Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Social Science Quarterly, and others, and he co-authored Ranking Correctional Punishments: Views from Offenders, Practitioners, and the Public (2010, Carolina Academic Press).