Full Time Lecturer of Human Trafficking and an Academic Advisor
Expertise: Human Trafficking
David has presented at over 70 conferences/trainings on issues from Fatherhood issues, children’s rights in divorce situations, never-married parents issues, child custody and most recently, since 2010 on human trafficking issues.
He was the Co-founder of the first Fatherhood Collaboration in the state and has served as a Board member or as an Advisory for numerous organizations such as Head Start, Children’s Right Council, Men’s Health Network and Healthy Marriage/Healthy Relationships.
In 2011, David developed and is teaching the first Human Trafficking class at a 4 year university in Michigan. In 2012, The Human Trafficking class was accepted as a continuous class which will now be taught year round. He is expanding his interest in Human Trafficking to issues with children in Foster Care and missing and murdered Indigenous Women. David has mentored students in their research and presentations at the Undergraduate Symposium on human trafficking issues since 2014.
In 2012 he and former students established a Human Trafficking student organization: UNMASKED, for which he is the Faculty Advisor. In 2015 he assisted the State of Michigan’s Governors Human Trafficking Commission on re-writing Protocols for Foster Care youth and Human Trafficking and has been working on developing a resource guide for Human Trafficking survivors in Michigan.
In 2016 to 2019, he and students led a discussion and have done TRAIN THE TRAINERS on Human Trafficking in Jamaica while visiting Jamaica on an alternative spring break international service learning trip. David has presented over 60 times on human trafficking issues.
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