We are deeply concerned about these reports of criminal sexual conduct involving our students. We stand by and strongly support all survivors of sexual assault. As these criminal cases have just come to light, the University is taking immediate steps to look into the original allegations, which both appear to have occurred at off-campus residences and date from 2018.
Specifically, we are undertaking an exhaustive review of our Title IX and Public Safety records regarding these allegations. Our initial review indicates that in neither case did the university have a complainant come forward who wished to proceed with a formal investigation by our Title IX or Public Safety office. With few exceptions, no Title IX investigation can proceed without such a person, or without the evidence such a person might share. Thus, although our Title IX office did offer continuous support services where appropriate, the law did not allow us to launch a more formal Title IX investigation in either case. To be clear: this does not mean that the university reached any conclusion about what happened in either case.
To reiterate, EMU takes all claims of sexual assault and sexual misconduct seriously and is committed to the thorough investigation of these incidents. If you have any information or wish to report any incident of sexual assault or misconduct, please contact EMU Police at 734-487-1222 or at dps_questions@emich.edu, or file an incident report with the EMU Title IX Office: https://www.emich.edu/title-nine/index.php
August 06, 2020
Written by:
Official Statements
Media Contact:
Morgan Mark