Eastern Michigan University responds to lawsuit by Provident Group over parking contract

The Provident lawsuit is entirely without merit and we will defend ourselves against the dubious claims and plan on filing a counterclaim for breach of contract. Provident is attempting to rewrite the contract it signed.

The University issued a default notice against Provident nearly three weeks ago for failing to live up to its promises in running our parking system. In particular, Provident failed to operate and maintain University’s central parking garage. The University was in mediation to resolve this matter, but Provident terminated negotiations and filed this lawsuit.

Among the false claims in the lawsuit is the allegation that the University conducted a study that had a price tag of $250,000 of expected repairs to the parking garage over the life of the contract. This is entirely inaccurate. The university contracted with Desman Design Management, a nationally-respected firm, to conduct the assessment, which was provided in advance to each bidder as part of the bid solicitation process. Desman's assessment clearly states that expected maintenance and repairs to the parking garage were estimated at $3.4 million in the first two years of the agreement, with additional costs expected for the remainder of the contract. 

Walter Kraft, vice president for communications

March 21, 2023

Written by:
Walter Kraft

Media Contact:
Melissa Thrasher